Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Photo Challenge at Double Happiness
Double Happiness has done it again - she has another photo challenge called "Then and Now" - I wanted to take part but I struggled to find a picture that matched Chloe's referral photo - for the challenge you were supposed to match color of clothes, etc. but we have no light yellow in Chloe's wardrobe, I would be hard pressed to get that hair to stick up anymore, AND she smiles all the time - so it's tough to get a serious pose!! But here's my try!!
14 Years

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Look What Santa Brought
This had to be the best present we got this Christmas - Thanks to Santa DeJong - aka Mr. Brian!!
And if this doesn't ring any bells - go here.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
My First Attempt
I do not claim to be a hollywood director OR producer but I did have fun messing around with this new computer program. So - I attempted to make a Christmas video out of some of our pictures from this past few days - Enjoy!!! (oh - one more thing - sorry about the pictures being not so clear - I think that is the nature of video over the internet - but if anyone knows more info - I'd take it!! Like I said - I'm all new to this!!)
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Christmas Fun
Grandpa and Grandma Wagner are here - Chloe has been waiting for this for over a week now. You should have seen here when she spied them at the hockey rink on Saturday - she about broke her neck running to see them and hasn't let go of them yet!! She is just loving this - I'm already wondering what will happen when they leave and life goes back to normal - Chloe's going to go through massive withdrawals!!
So we were sitting around last night and Chloe can not keep her hands off of the presents with the Dora wrapping paper - she is sure that they are hers!!! (Wonder what gave her that thought?!?!) So she looks up at Grandpa and Grandma and very sweetly asks, "Chloe open 1 present??" Oh, the priceless look she gave them and I bet you'll never guess what they said!! Yes, Chloe opened one present last night (ok - the boys did too!!). She opened a talking Dora and we heard squeals like I've never heard before!! She screamed in a very high-pitched voice, "My Dora, Oh, I LOVE my Dora!!!" Wish I would have taped what happened when Dora said, "Hi Chloe." It was priceless!! I'll tuck some pictures in for you to enjoy - hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 22, 2006
Mystery Gift

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Merry Christmas to Chloe
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Mr. Happy

Ok Stef - I better win BIG with this one!!! For everyone else - this was our "loveable" doorman in Changsha - I think besides our girls - he was the best part of Changsha!!!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Our Day
It's been A DAY and sometimes it just helps to share it! (Maybe that will keep me from crying over here!!) We are so busy right now - trying to do way too much before Christmas. It was all going pretty smoothly until Joe called me this morning and said that because of the "Big Storm" coming in tonight - they were having to leave today - instead of tomorrow - to head out on a trip. Well - that took some juggling - kids to hockey practice, mom at work, etc. BUT - the worst is still to come. We had been practicing a Christmas program with some friends and Chloe came in crying -she had cut her eyelid (on something - I know, bad mom - I just don't have a clue what she did!). I tried to wipe the blood off and noticed her eyelashes were gone on part of her eye - and I do mean GONE - no trace - not just cut, but gone from the roots. She cried a lot of the way home from our friends and when we got home her eye was extremely swollen. Joe and I both thought she should be seen - of course, the clinic was closed - so we had to go to the emergency room - (at 5 when I needed to be at work and Joe was leaving any minute for his trip - and three boys needed to eat because their ride for hockey was coming a little before 6 - get my point?!?!?!). Chloe and I headed to the emergency room - the doctor said it looked ok - he does feel it was a branch on a tree that cut her lid and scratched up her face - and we are thinking that since it was evergreens she was near - that maybe
the sticky branches just tugged enough on her lashes to pull them out. The silver lining??? The doctor said - less than 1 centimeter more - and it would have been her eye that was cut - right across the pupil. I am praising God for that!

Now - I have to get to work, I have kids going to hockey, and a little girl with missing eyelashes and a swollen eye. Someone tell me how we make it through these years and still maintain sanity?!?!?!

A is for Age.
I am 36! Ugh- too close to 40!!
B is for beer.
Never had it - Joe says it's gross, I'll take his word.
C is for career.
Taught elementary school for a few years before we had kids - now am a part time children's librarian and full time MOM!! I also homeschool my kids.
D is for dog's name.
We used to have two - Dutch and Bandit.
E is for Essential item I use every day.
My laptop, of course! Gotta agree, Nikki!!
F is for favorite TV show
Not much of a TV watcher - but it used to be Alf!
G is for favorite game
LOVE Dutch Blitz!
H is for hometown
Cedar Falls
I is for Instruments I play
Well - some piano - mind you, I said SOME!!
J is for favorite juice
K is for whose butt I like to kick
Naughty kids in the library - but I won't!!
L is for last place I ate
Out? was Olive Garden for my birthday and it was delicious.
M is for marriage
Yep, I'm for it! Going on 14 years with the same guy - not too bad!
N is for my name
Rebecca, but I'm glad my parents opted for Becky
O is for overnight hospital stay
I've had a few - three babies and a cyst removed in High School.
P is for People I was with today
Hmmm - the kids and Joe, fellow co-workers and friends later today.
Q is for quote
"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,regardless of time, place, or circumstance.The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."--- An ancient Chinese belief.
R is for biggest regret
Wishing I had enjoyed my babies more and not felt so overwhelmed!
S is for sport
If you know me you are laughing - I HATE SPORTS that I have to play!! I love to watch hockey when my boys are playing!
T is for time I woke up today
7:30 - now just don't ask when Joe got up!
U is for current underwear
Ok - these are getting mighty personal - but love my Victoria's Secret!!
V is for vegetable you love
I love vegetables - you name it - EXCEPT lima beans!!
W is for worst habit
Gosh, there are so many to choose from. Probably worrying!
X is for x-rays I've had
Many - - -
Y is for Yummy food you ate today
Creme Brulee Latte - heavenly!!
Z is for zodiac
I am a Sagitarius (I think), although I don't follow all that junk.
Ok - now waiting to see what you all have on your ABC List. Leave me a comment if you do so I can check out YOUR ABC's. Mr. Brian -you're tagged too!!
Monday, December 18, 2006
Donna over at Double Happiness has a weekly photo challenge - this week I took the plunge!
(It's my first attempt with this new photo program so give me some time - I'll get better!!)
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Holiday Happenings
Today our kids had their Christmas program at church - how fun!! Caleb sang his first SOLO debut - and Micah and Caleb both had speaking parts. And to top it off - they also all spoke this morning in church as our family did the advent lighting. Wow - we have been busy - lots to get nervous about (as the boys say) but are they ever shining!!! We are proud of those guys!!
Then, since we were all in our finery - Dad thought he'd capture some photos - well - or at least he tried!!!
It's hard to get four kids looking relatively happy at one time!!!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Happy Birthday to Me!!

8:00 - Go pick up Posh from vet
9:30 - Christmas Program Practice
10:45 - Aaron's Hockey Practice
12:00 - Caleb's Hockey Game
1:30 - Micah's Hockey Game
4:00 - Leave for Sioux City for Joe's Work Christmas Dinner
Hmmm - can I move my birthday to another day?!?!?!? Just kidding!! It's just another day anyway - think I'll choose not to move up a year this year - getting TOO close to 30 anyway!!! :) Yes, I said 30 - "it's my party and I'll lie if I want to"!!!! By the way - thanks for all of those well wishes yesterday -how'd you know it was me??? I know, the towel gave me away!!
I'll share one last "Becky as a young'un photo". Don't worry - I don't have any more left!

Friday, December 15, 2006
Favorite Photo Friday
This cute kid's getting ready to celebrate a birthday - if you want to wish her a Happy Birthday one day early - I'll pass on the condolences!!!! :)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
A Few of My Favorite Things....
A Few of My Favorite Things:
1) My Family - ALL of them!!
2) BOOKS, BOOKS, and More BOOKS!
3) Apple Cinnamon Tea
4) Caribou Coffee
5) A GOOD Blizzard!!! Haven't had one in some time!
6) Lots of SNOW!!
7) Hugs from my kids
8) A Manicure but Pedicures are good too!
9) Music and singing (in a group - NO SOLOS!!!)
10) Sleeping when it's storming outside - weird, but I love it!!
Some of Chloe's Favorite Things:
2) Her brothers
3) Princess Pull ups (couldn't resist!!)
4) Poshie (our new cat that would have to say that Chloe is one of her favorite things too!!)
5) Juice
6) VEGETABLES - Broccoli, Corn, Peas, Beans, you name it - yes, she ate Lima Beans today!
7) Coloring AND stickers
8) Chocolate (in this, she differs greatly from her mother!!)
9) BOOKS - yeah, could it be any other in this house?!?!?
10) Music and her instruments - she's a one-girl band!
Ok - now I tag anyone else that wants to play - feel free to steal our clip art and play along!!
Princess Pull-Ups

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Tuesday Tidbits
Today is a hodge podge day:
**Our friends from Michigan are in China right now and got their little Caleigh yesterday. Oh man, Gotcha Day's make me so teary!!! I just LOVE it!! So go see them here. Once you get there, click on Public Journals (at the top) and then type in Caleigh. Once you click on it - you will be at their journal. Yesterday was Gotcha Day so you may have to click on the Previous Tab to see yesterday. It's all good though - read it all!! I just got an email from Jody this morning too - she said it is so hard to see Caleigh grieving so much. We can relate!!! It is so hard to see these little ones struggling when we get them - just keep praying for them~those are fun, but tough days.
**Remember that Third Day "Merry Christmas" song I told you about?? Well - someone made a video to go with it - Fair warning here -get the Kleenex!! Watch it here.
**Our friends from Michigan are in China right now and got their little Caleigh yesterday. Oh man, Gotcha Day's make me so teary!!! I just LOVE it!! So go see them here. Once you get there, click on Public Journals (at the top) and then type in Caleigh. Once you click on it - you will be at their journal. Yesterday was Gotcha Day so you may have to click on the Previous Tab to see yesterday. It's all good though - read it all!! I just got an email from Jody this morning too - she said it is so hard to see Caleigh grieving so much. We can relate!!! It is so hard to see these little ones struggling when we get them - just keep praying for them~those are fun, but tough days.
**Remember that Third Day "Merry Christmas" song I told you about?? Well - someone made a video to go with it - Fair warning here -get the Kleenex!! Watch it here.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Photo Monday
Joe really thinks I should post this - I don't know - NOT a fan of photos where I am in them. There is a story behind this one though - we had our family photos taken this Fall and when we were all done Joe said he wished Chloe and I would have done one together. SO - when we got them back, he "doctored" them all up and made exactly what he wanted. Gotta hand it to him - he's pretty good with this whole computer technology!! (Good thing that's his job!!!)

Sunday, December 10, 2006
Slumber Party or Bucket Brigade??

Saturday, December 09, 2006
Hockey Mom
Whew - I'm Back!!! I left Friday afternoon to head to Sioux Falls for a full weekend of hockey. Caleb and I went and stayed overnight while Joe and the rest of the kids stayed at home to get our other two guys to their hockey practices on Saturday. I know, I know, I had it rough - one kid - but it was a fun time for Caleb and I - we rarely get much one-on-one with our kids so it was a treat!!!
Their team played HARD - it was a tough weekend. We are a relatively new hockey association so it is tough to play teams that have been playing for YEARS, but we did win our last game and the boys were THRILLED - 11 to 1 - I might add!!!! They deserve a win every now and then - they play hard and we parents keep saying - "At least they know how to lose gracefully!!" 
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Favorite Photo Friday
Soup Recipes
A friend, Teresa, sent me all of these recipes via email since she doesn't have a blog---YET!!! This is what she said:
Southwest Chicken Soup
2 Tbsp olive oil
8 oz skinned and bones chicken breast cut into ½” cubes
¼ cup finely chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp cumin
½ tsp salt
½ tsp chili powder
1/8 tsp ground red pepper
1 can (14 ½ oz chicken broth)
1 can 15 ¼ oz corn (undrained)
1 can 15 oz black beans (rinsed and drained)
1 can 14 ½ oz Mexican-style stewed tomatoes
2 Tbsp chopped cilantro
Heat oil over medium heat. Add chicken and cook 3-4 minutes, stirring until opaque. Stir in onion, garlic, cumin, salt, chili powder, and red pepper. Cook 1-2 minutes, stirring frequently until garlic and spices are fragrant. Stir in broth, undrained corn, black beans, and stewed tomatoes. Increase heat to high and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer 15 minutes. Stir cilantro into soup and serve. Makes 6 servings.
Category: Side Dish
"I couldn't resist sharing TWO of my favorite soup recipes. One isSo I wanted to add them so you all can try them out too - you guys are good - these are great soup recipes!!
super-quick and easy (Southwest Chicken soup) and the other is a bit labor-intensive at first, but the soup freezes well in batches and is a wonderful warm-weather soup (Golden Squash soup). The chicken soup is a recipe my mother-in-law found and the squash soup is from Taste of Home too. The cornbread casserole goes very well with the chicken soup."
Southwest Chicken Soup
2 Tbsp olive oil
8 oz skinned and bones chicken breast cut into ½” cubes
¼ cup finely chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp cumin
½ tsp salt
½ tsp chili powder
1/8 tsp ground red pepper
1 can (14 ½ oz chicken broth)
1 can 15 ¼ oz corn (undrained)
1 can 15 oz black beans (rinsed and drained)
1 can 14 ½ oz Mexican-style stewed tomatoes
2 Tbsp chopped cilantro
Heat oil over medium heat. Add chicken and cook 3-4 minutes, stirring until opaque. Stir in onion, garlic, cumin, salt, chili powder, and red pepper. Cook 1-2 minutes, stirring frequently until garlic and spices are fragrant. Stir in broth, undrained corn, black beans, and stewed tomatoes. Increase heat to high and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer 15 minutes. Stir cilantro into soup and serve. Makes 6 servings.
Category: Side Dish
1 Box Jiffy Cornbread Mix
1 Can Whole Kernel corn, drained (14 1/2 oz)
1 Can Cream Style Corn (14 1/2 oz)
1 Cup Sour Cream
½ cup butter (1 stick) melted
3 Eggs (large or extra large) beaten
1 Tsp. Sugar
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Pour mixture into a 9x13 Casserole dish. Bake at 350º for about 40 minutes.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Pizza Soup
This is humbling, but I'll admit it ~ since I flunked cooking school :) our sitter has started having each of the boys prepare lunch on Tuesdays. (I'm afraid she thinks they will end up like their mother!!! Just kidding - actually it is a huge treat for us AND the boys love it too!!) This week was Micah's turn and he chose Pizza Soup. It was a hit in our house and so I wanted to post the recipe!!
1 pound ground beef
2 cans (26 oz each) condensed tomato soup, undiluted
6 1/2 C water
1 Jar (28 oz.) spaghetti sauce
1 T Italian Seasoning
2 C (8 oz.) shredded cheddar cheese
Additional shredded cheddar cheese, optional
In a soup kettle or Dutch oven, cook beef over medium heat until no longer pink; drain. Add the soup, water, spaghetti sauce and Italian seasoning; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer uncovered, for 15 minutes.
Add cheese; cook and stir until melted. Garnish with additional cheese if desired. Yield: 16 servings (4 quarts)
Taken from: Taste of Home's Big Book of Soup
Side Note: Micah added pepperoni's cut into 1/4's and some cooked ground sausage - it was wonderful!!!!

NOW - thought it would be fun for all of us to share a favorite soup recipe - so today's the day - just add your name to the linky below followed by your blog address on the second line and then on your blog post your recipe - it's that easy!!!
1 pound ground beef
2 cans (26 oz each) condensed tomato soup, undiluted
6 1/2 C water
1 Jar (28 oz.) spaghetti sauce
1 T Italian Seasoning
2 C (8 oz.) shredded cheddar cheese
Additional shredded cheddar cheese, optional
In a soup kettle or Dutch oven, cook beef over medium heat until no longer pink; drain. Add the soup, water, spaghetti sauce and Italian seasoning; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer uncovered, for 15 minutes.
Add cheese; cook and stir until melted. Garnish with additional cheese if desired. Yield: 16 servings (4 quarts)
Taken from: Taste of Home's Big Book of Soup
Side Note: Micah added pepperoni's cut into 1/4's and some cooked ground sausage - it was wonderful!!!!

NOW - thought it would be fun for all of us to share a favorite soup recipe - so today's the day - just add your name to the linky below followed by your blog address on the second line and then on your blog post your recipe - it's that easy!!!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Nap Time
Yes, it's supposed to be naptime but this is what I am hearing, "Hey boys, look at me." "Boys, I'm over here." "Help, I stuck." "I want to play too." Chloe is supposed to be napping but instead she is standing in her bed watching the boys outside play football. Even though it's been almost an hour and half and still no nap and I should be irritated - it is still cute that she thinks they can hear her yelling!! Ugh - gotta go - she just fell off the bed trying to get their attention!!!!! Motherhood!!!!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Egress Window
You know sometimes it is funny to post things like the "Tuna" incident but I have to say that my husband is THE BEST!!!! He works long hours for us all day long at work and then also gives much time to church commitments and making sure our boys are at every hockey practice, game, etc. And really, he does it all without complaining - I'm not kidding!!
Then, he sits and plans and reads to learn how to install an egress window in our basement and DOES IT!!! I'm just so proud of him - yes, he had help installing it but the caulking, trimming, staining ~ that's all been his!! It looks great and the boys are so excited to get to use their new room. He works every extra minute down there - we are so thankful that he can even do things like that - I never could!!! So - one room down - now he wants to build an adjoining room for the boys and finish off that end of the basement - he's a go-getter, that's for sure!!
Then, he sits and plans and reads to learn how to install an egress window in our basement and DOES IT!!! I'm just so proud of him - yes, he had help installing it but the caulking, trimming, staining ~ that's all been his!! It looks great and the boys are so excited to get to use their new room. He works every extra minute down there - we are so thankful that he can even do things like that - I never could!!! So - one room down - now he wants to build an adjoining room for the boys and finish off that end of the basement - he's a go-getter, that's for sure!!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Proud Hockey Mom

All of them play hard and we love to see that! (Hey, what else would we do with all that testosterone over here?!?!?) Last night Micah even made a goal - must say we were proud - it's fun to see them do something they really enjoy and THEN do well at it!!!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Creamed Tuna????

Now I'm wondering - do we tell the boys?????
Favorite Photo Friday
Well - wasn't sure what I was going to post until about 10 minutes ago - I knew it had been awfully quiet - I was cleaning so industriously and I went into the living room and here was Chloe......

Hmmm, she found the presents - yes, it was hers too but don't worry Grandma - she never got the box open!!!! I told her I had to get the camera to show Dad how she was naughty - well, what else could I say - I couldn't tell her it was so funny I had to take a picture!!!!
UGH - my least favorite part about Christmas - wrapping presents - looks like I'll have extra chances to get even better!!!
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When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19
~Deuteronomy 24:19