Saturday, August 12, 2006

Words by Chloe.....

What a two year old we have! Yesterday we went to the grocery store and that is always an adventure with Chloe - you don't know how often we've gotten up to the checkout lane and said to each other, "Did you put that in the cart?" The answer is always NO - it was Chloe! So we were shopping yesterday and Chloe picked up a bag of chips - I told her no, that we didn't need those. She looked up at me and said, "Oh shoot!!" and promptly put them back!! Joe and I had all we could do not to laugh out loud - we don't want her saying that on a regular basis. Guess you now know what I say a lot!!


Anonymous said...

So...what kind of chips were they? Sophia loves Masterpiece BBQ chips. And she also says "oh shoot" which has a tendency to sound like something else....if you know what I mean......YIKES.....I'm thinking don't say it in church for pete's sake! LOL

Beckyb said...

Yes - we already had Masterpiece BBQ, Doritoes, and Regular Lays in our cart - thanks to Chloe - (Well we all like them, but she asked for each one too!). We need a whole cart for just chips!!

Sandra said...

LOL that is funny. Kids are so funny and they always say the things you don't want them to repeat LOL

Jenny said...

Bahaha, I love it. Be thankful that Oh Shoot is what you all say!! ; )

Anonymous said...

Love that tale. She is getting more and more fun each day. Sounds like she is becoming more like her mom each day too. NOW THAT CAN BE SOMETHING TO WORRIE ABOUT!!!!NO we can only hope she gets her mommies
S P U N K !!!!!!!!!
Mr. Brian

When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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