Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tonight's Feat

Dessert seemed in order - so Pioneer Woman - here we come!
We made her yummy apple dumplings!!
Before they went into the oven:
The Proud Helper!!
Coming out of the oven:

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Jada's First Thanksgiving

Had to get a little video of Jada's First Thanksgiving. We are having a quiet day with our family and enjoying that! Happy Thanksgiving from all of us to all of you! (Yes, the family wasn't excited about the video, but hey, it's different than your usual greeting, don't you think!?!?)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


In case you tried to call, we were gone tonight - we had to run downtown to watch the new Christmas lights turn on! Yep - Mom drug everyone out - in the 30 degree wind - to sip cider, eat cookies, and shiver as we waited for the unveiling of the new downtown Christmas lights! AND IT WAS WORTH IT!!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Why Wouldn't I?

Couldn't have said it better myself - so I won't even try!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Practice for the Christmas Program

We just LOVE this - could watch it all day!!! The girls are practicing for our church Christmas program! I know you have MUCH better things to do - but it is so fun to watch Jada "get it"!! IF you hang in there to the end - you will hear her little "yeah"!!!

Practice for Christmas Program from Becky Bilby on Vimeo.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Reality

Parenting is NOT easy - it is full of curve balls and question marks. But where I feel I struggle more is parenting adopted children. I question myself constantly. Why does she cry so long when I leave? Is she afraid I won't come back? How long should we let her sleep in our room on the mattress? How can I show her that we won't leave her? How can I best show her that her past is part of who she is? What are encouraging things I can say to her to represent her birth mom? Why does she wake up so often with night terrors? What were her living conditions like - and how does that play into our life now? I could go on and on. It is just different to me - I second guess so many things that I may or may not do for our boys and not give a second thought. I hope, with time, that some of that will go away - but we've had Chloe over 4 years and I still find myself there often.

So I feel SO blessed by a book I was sent this week - 20 Things Adoptive Parents Need to Succeed by Sherrie Eldridge. I have read other books by Eldridge that have opened my eyes to things, but this one is SO right where I am! She has given me the freedom to say, "Parenting adopted children IS different - and it's ok to ask question and voice your fears and frustrations." As an adopted child herself, Eldridge is full of wisdom in how to care for our little ones - what their backgrounds may have been, and some feelings they may experience.

Here is one of my favorite "Ah-hahs":
  • Parenting Success, Adoption-Style
  • To work through my personal issues thoroughly, in order to hear the heart needs of my child.
  • To identify with my child on his/her emotional level and to mirror acceptance.
  • To accept and nurture the nature created within my child's first home, the birth mother's womb.
  • To learn and accept the complex realities of adoption as our unique life challenge - not trying to change the challenges into what the nonadoptive world expects.
  • To base love and acceptance of my child on his personhood, not his performance.
Maybe it's just me (although I doubt it) but I needed the freedom to read these things. I needed to see what success may look like - I have so many fears of my inadequacies (I'll admit it - even more after bringing Jada home - CAN I be for her what she needs??). So this book is just really meeting me where I am. I am learning TONS. I am finding that in each chapter I am having to hold back from highlighting the entire chapter!

She ends each chapter by giving you a time to "Listen to your child's heart" - she gives thoughts on how adoptive children may look at situation. Here is one I can relate to having both of the girls in mind....
"When you hold me for the first time as a baby, if I arch my back and won't let you cuddle close to me, I'm not rejecting you. I'm hurting. I miss my first home - my birth mother's womb. Don't let the cycle of rejection begin. If you interpret my actions as rejection, then I'll sense that and I'll feel rejected. Hold me closely until I mold my body to you, even if I cry. This is what I need."
I guess that's why I want to share this book - it is a gift this week - exactly what I needed as I'm questioning what I KNOW God has called me to. It's a big task - but I am thrilled at the growing He must have for me!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bilby Recap

Chloe comes to me this morning and says, "Mom, I sure hope today is better than yesterday." I ask her why she said that and she said, "Because yesterday was VERY bad. I spilled all of Micah's BB's (airsoft BB's) and then I had to run upstairs and cry." I was left to ponder that one - so did that make Micah's day bad or Chloe's???

Chloe on Tuesday night at the band concert, "Mom, it is SWELTERING in here." (Yes, Chloe I firmly agreed - but thank you WORD GIRL for the big word!!!)

We took Jada in to the dentist this week - she sat like a champ - even had x-rays!! The girl is just not phased by doctors - she is quite compliant for them! (Maybe I should get a white coat!) However, at the end of the appt. we got the GREAT news - out of her little 20 teeth - 19 need work - that girl's mouth is just FULL of cavities. So my one glimmer of a smile came that it WASN'T MY FAULT this time!!! (I always feel guilty when my kids get cavities!) The bad news - she will be into the dentist EVERY Wednesday in January for an hour and a half at a time. Poor girl - if she liked the dentist now - she may not then!

In case you missed it - we had a bit of drama over the H1N1 vaccines this week too. We decided to get them for the kids and we were driving to the clinic. The boys were discussing the horrors of shots (thanks a lot guys) and Chloe pipes up, "Mom, how come you aren't scared?" I proceeded to TRY to explain that shots weren't THAT bad and that I was too old - they wouldn't let me get the shot yet. She sat quietly for a bit - biting her fingernails - and then said, "Mom, can you just tell them I'm 500?!!" The boys got a kick out of that!! But all ended well - they were all eligible for the nasal mist - life is good!

Dad's been gone again here - we are waiting for him to come home! We survive but it is always good to have him home again!

So there you have it - the exciting Bilby news in a nutshell. Stay tuned until next time.....

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Friday, November 06, 2009

Don't Cry Over Spilled Ice Cream

Here is Jada's first attempt at an ice cream cone - I'm thinking she may never do it again after this!! Poor kid! Or maybe we just need MORE practice!

Just Love Coffee

We were approached, before we ever finished Jada's adoption, about joining a fundraiser for adoption - and being it involved COFFEE - I was thrilled to sign up!! Well, it has just taken off now and we were able to set up a store front - even though our adoption is finished. SO, for the next 6 months or so - we are able to make a portion of the sales off of any coffee ordered from this site to help with past expenses from Jada's adoption AND the rest of the money goes to help other adoptive families as well. What's not to love about that?!?! How about some more details?? You can order a one-time order or schedule out your orders AND it's fair trade coffee - I like that too - helping other countries as we help adoptive families. SO, if you enjoy coffee like I do - check it out - I have heard it is WONDERFUL coffee!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

National Adoption Month

I am always looking for good ways to celebrate National Adoption Month and this was SO good. I copied the PDF from Adoptive Families Online.
2009 National Adoption Month Calendar
When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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