Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A God Who Sees

God takes us on journeys - I feel like I am on a long and twisting one. But God is faithful - that is all I can say. He continues to amaze me. I read on Beth Moore's blog that she was having an online Bible Study this summer - I thought that would be something I would enjoy, so I went to see what it was going to be. Here's God - it's a study written by Jennifer Rothschild - an amazing woman of God that began to go blind at age 15. There it is again - God gently reminds me that sight is not all that matters in life. Jennifer has an amazing ministry - her writing has encouraged me over and over. Her interview at Christian Women Online was superb and a quote hit me:
Blindness itself doesn’t feel like a gift, but what came with it certainly is. Blindness has given more than it has taken. I have received an opportunity to choose gratefulness, strengthen my faith and learn how to live trusting God more than my feelings. Anything that decreases our dependence on self and increases our dependence on God really is a gift. We just need to be grateful to recognize it.
She has an amazing website too - go and be encouraged! Not only am I encouraged as a mom of a child with visual challenges, but as a Believer - it touches me on so many realms.

Keep praying with us - Micah's background check came back TODAY - so we can FINALLY move forward - later than we were hoping, but it isn't about us, is it!?!? Praying that God moves as only He can and our TA comes speedily.


Faith, Hope, and Love said...


Thank you for this post! I needed to read this today.

I believe God has big plans for our girls and also for the challenges that are being placed in our lives to help get our girls to where HE wants them to be. It really is not about us at all.

Hang in there!

Have a blessed day!

Heather said...

Becky, this entire entry has blessed me. Thank you for sharing God's blessings in your life -- and for being "real". Praying for your last stages to pick up some good momentum. Come on, travel date!!

When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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