I was in the Hallmark store the other day, found this cute mug, had a coupon, so I bought it. Little did I know it would cause such a stir....

I thought it was funny - my boys obviously did not. You have to picture three boys - ages almost 9, 10, and 11 gathered around this mug - I'm in the other room with Chloe just listening in......Here is their conversation - as best I remember it:
"Did you see Mom's new coffee cup?"
"Yes, I don't think that's right."
"What do you mean?"
"You shouldn't call ladies Babes."
"I think you're right - I think it's a bad word for ladies."
"I think it has something to do with sexy."
"Yeah, why did mom buy that cup?"
"Don't hurt her feelings and ask her."
"Yeah, I wonder if Dad bought it for her?"
"Should we tell him that's not a nice word to call ladies?"
There - I gave you a chuckle for your day!!