Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Aaron Turns 14!

Fourteen years ago - we were blessed with our third little man.
AND oh what a blessing he is!

 From the beginnings of Aaron talking, we knew we were in for it - this boy is funny!!  He has the most amazing fast quips and constantly keeps us laughing.

 He is such a curious guy - loves to learn (ok, he won't admit that though) and he enjoys working on things until they are mastered!

 He's a GO-GETTER!  

 Did I mention he is funny!?!?!?

 Aaron has a sweet and caring spirit - he is great at putting others' needs ahead of his - that is a rare gift and he has it!
 I am not sure if I have mentioned it - but this kid just cracks us up!!

 He is a gift - a special gift from God!  We praise God for you, Aaron.

 Umm, yeah - he's always up for a joke or a laugh - have I mentioned that yet??

 This is one of my favorite pictures of Aaron - it truly captures him - 
and just a bit...

 Aaron is an AMAZING brother to his two little sisters - he is the one that is sure to have time for a quick game with the girls and they know it!!  He holds a special spot in each of their eyes!!

 As our little man turns into a bigger man - we pray that God continues to use him.  We pray for a young man that chooses God's best for him.

We love you bud and are SO blessed to have you in our family.
Happy Birthday!


Sara Crane said...

oh what a great post!! Happy Birthday Aaron!!

dawn said...

Happy birthday.
I love the photo in your header, it's fabulous.

hollym. said...

Happy Birthday! to your amazing son, Aaron!! The years of fun are flying by! Enjoy everyday with your sweet kids, Becky. As a Momma of a 31 and 26 year old sons and a 7 year old little daughter, I can tell you that time truly flies by.

When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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