Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sweet Sixteen!!

Sixteen Years Ago Today.....We were blessed with our first son.

Talking with Grandpa

HOORAY for lunch time!!!

He didn't want his balloon to go anywhere without him!

His Silly Face for pictures - glad we got through that stage!!

Water Guns, Airsoft Guns - yep, we tried to discourage it and failed!!

What a sweet, sweet boy!!

And crazy too!!!

We are indeed so blessed by this gift from God!

Micah - you have such an amazing spirit and we are so grateful for your tender heart. We continue to pray that God will lead you and you will be open to Him. We are so proud of you and we love you TONS!!
Happy Birthday to our amazing son!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

BIG Field Trip!

I was so pleased to be able to go along on Jada's field trip to the Butterfly House. I had contemplated not going, as things were quite crazy at home, until little Jada looked and me and said, "No Mom, You Said You GOING!!" I guess I did tell her that - better carry through. :) And I was so glad I did! Here is some of our fun!

All the butterflies eating!

Some Buddies!

Even the aquariums were so much fun!!

The Whole Class!!!

After lunch fun on the playground!

Someday I'll bore you with some of my hundreds of butterfly and fish pictures - but for now - this will suffice to show you what a fun day we had. And now Mom is exhausted - must be time for bed!

Oh MY!!!

This brings back a ton of memories - it was just yesterday, wasn't it!?!?!?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Snapshot - Easter

Sunday Snapshot
It's always a treat to take part in a Sunday Snapshot Blog Post!
So today you get our Easter Egg Hunt - now this was our outdoor one that we did just with the girls. (Don't worry, the boys didn't miss out - we did an indoor one with them later - it's a brain taxing one - it's good for them!!)

A Hunting we will go!

Look What I Found!
Look What I Found!

Found Another One!

Not Done Yet!
Jada's Counting Her Finds

Huntin' and Smilin'

Sweet Sisters

Our Treasures!
Our Treasures!!

Auto Tone-2
Sisterly Love!

Big Sister

Smiley Sisters

Doodlebug in the Tree
Jada Bug in the Tree

Group Photo!
Here's our group photo - I'd be in BIG trouble if I didn't include one of these - the Grandma's would get me for sure!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Eggs Are Ready

So after asking every 10 minutes from the minute we boiled the eggs if it was time to dye them yet - I finally gave in right before dinner! NOT one of my all-time favorite past times - it is a complete disaster to me to have 12 cups with stain-able dyes, numerous children, eggs that will crack if not handled gently, and splattering stainable liquid every time an egg drops in yet another cup. Oh well - we survived and the girls LOVED it. See?? I really am overcoming my OCD. :) I even did it alone this year as Joe was quite busy today!

Egg Watcher

Happy Egg Decorators!

Yellow Takes TOO Long!

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First Mate and Second Mate

Their Masterpieces!

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Gotcha Day!

It is almost impossible for me to think that only six short years ago we were given an amazing gift - our daughter, Chloe. She is a joy - she makes us laugh, she keeps ALL of us on our toes, and she loves deeply! She has a tender heart for God and for her little sister and we love to see that too. We are blessed by you Chloe, and are SO glad God gave you to our family!

(The top picture was taken when Chloe was almost 2 - just one of my favorites!! Bottom one was taken this past Christmas.)

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


We had such a fun weekend seeing our cousins that we don't get to see very often! Next time we need to make it closer than our last visit - that is for sure!!

When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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