Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Program

I hadn't had a great night OR day - so I was thinking I probably wouldn't try to go to the program when Chloe comes up to me - with all the seriousness of a 5 year old drama queen and says, "Mom, you really aren't thinking of missing the Christmas Program, are you!?!?" To which I replied, "Umm, No - definitely not!" So I put some make up on, put a smile on my face, and gingerly went to the program. It was SO good - I am glad I didn't miss it. Let me show you some highlights....Jada clapped after every song - she was the only kid clapping, but she was just TOO proud!!

Jada reclined on Chloe - but hey, what's a sister for!?!?

Sometimes Jada just felt like sitting - hey, who can blame her - 45 min. is a LONG TIME at 3 years old!!

And sometimes it was just a good opportunity to practice tying our shoes - make the most of every moment!!

And now I'm off to head to bed - that took all the gumption right out of me!


Jill said...

Oh how cute! I am glad you didn't miss it!

Gwen said...

Hi Becky,
I'm "cyber shy" but need to introduce myself. I have been following your blog for awhile and I love it! Almost 2 years ago I stumbled onto your blog and watched your "gotcha" video of Chloe. It brought me to tears and was one of many events that helped confirm my feelings about adopting a little girl from China. We have been home with our Sarah for a year now!
Anyway, just wanted to thank you for your part in our adoption story!
So fun to see your girls together!
Merry Christmas!

Jewels of My Heart said...

They are so darling. How wonderful it is to see your beautiful Jada up there clapping and having a good time.
Thank You Jesus for answered prayers....
Merry Christmas sweet family,

kitchu said...

how sweet is THAT?!

Anonymous said...

very cute!!!
amber drilling

When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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