"God wraps up my good with your good and the good of both of us with the good of others. The plot lines of our individual stories weave together to form his master plan. Nothing is wasted. Nothing is left out. There are no dead ends or red herrings; every story line is given his greatest attention, his diligent care. Your story matters to Jesus, just as the individual stories of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus mattered to him. But he always has the big picture in mind as he handles the stories of our lives. He knows the beginning from the end, and he operates accordingly.Thank you, Sue - that was JUST what I needed today!! We needed to hear it and maybe others will as well. People ask why I blog - well this is why - I've been encouraged over and over, and I've met wonderful people on this blogging journey!
So don't be surprised if your personal plot takes a couple of twists now and then. Don't get upset when point A doesn't automatically lead to point B. There are no detours in God's story line, not really. Just complications that he's more than able to resolve....God always has a play. But it may not follow human logic. In fact, it may often seem to go directly against what we believe about God"
I was just reading this Piper comment about prayer. He says that (and I'm wildly paraphrasing here) we don't pray in order to change God. We pray, that God might change the heart of the one who's praying. So... I know that God isn't sitting up there saying, "Well, I'm not sending this little peanut home until SOMEBODY prays just the right thing" or "...until 1,119 people have prayed on her behalf". Or whatever. He has His plan in place, and He allows us to come to him with our petitions -- to walk closer with Him, to be uplifted in our conversation with Him, and to grow closer to those whom we pray for/with. I think God's allowing me to pray for Jada has definitely given me a soft spot in my heart for her... permanently. Even though I don't know her! And when I see Him answer our prayers with responses like super-quick I800's, it brings Him glory -- which is precisely what we were made to do.My dear friend has hit the nail on the head. AND believe me, she's a friend that KNOWS what this crazy wait is like. (We were covering them in prayer not so long ago.) So we continue to lift our prayers to the One that has the path already laid out before us.
The Lord says, "My thoughts are not like your thoughts. Your ways are not like my ways. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."