As she's cleaning the table - "Mom, I didn't make a big mess today - aren't you impressive of me??" And I smile and answer - "I sure am!!!"
Now, a video to make you smile - we think she's destined for greatness on air hockey!
So here's my excitement for the day: I wake up during the night last night and can't feel one leg. Then I realize it's incredible back pain - I liken it to Back Labor - NOT KIDDING HERE!! I can barely get out of bed - going for the Ibuprofen - and then, when I am up - I can barely walk. So I did get the meds and basically crawled back to bed. Morning was the same story all over again - can hardly walk, but yet there is no comfort in standing or sitting either. I told Joe that I haven't been in this much pain for a LONG time. I gave in and went to the doctor - they did x-rays - no major problems they can see - just severe muscle strain. So they ask what I did yesterday - I have to admit nothing out of the ordinary - then they give me the line "Well, at OUR age, these sorts of things start to happen." Oh lovely - now I'm in "that age" bracket! So I go home with my muscle relaxers and my Ibuprofen limits and I am praying for my back to feel great tomorrow - not what the dr. promised but I can always hope! He said to hope for 6 MONTHS for the back to heal. I don't have that kind of time, now do I!?!?! :) Ok, that's all - just had to share my woes - guess I'll go put my feet up, or down, or sideways, or backwards since I know NONE of those will help at all!!!!! UGH!