Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Foto Fiasco!

Sometimes things seem like such a great idea - then, when you go to actually DO them, you find out otherwise.  Take tonight for instance - we packed up four kids with photo clothing, drove a half hour to find the perfect spot, and starting shooting away.  Lest you think this was easy - let me show you our frustrations!!!
The child who can NEVER keep his eyes open!

The child who was nearly smooshed by her brothers!
The child who was BORED!!!

Can I just tell you that glasses are nearly impossible to photograph around??
The child who thought she was a model!!
The only good one we got??  Yes, yes, I know - their faces aren't even showing!!!!
Well - we saved money on a photographer, but we took over 300 pictures, lost our sanity AND maybe our marriage - PRICELESS!!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Miscellaneous Bilby Happenings

It's been another busy week for us - Joe and Caleb were in hunting classes all week - Micah took those last year and LOVED them, but he hasn't been out hunting since so Joe decided if he got his license then MAYBE they would actually go out this year. So the big classes ended on Saturday AND both Joe and Caleb passed - great, two more outdoorsmen in our family now!  Actually - I had to laugh - they have all agreed they'd really rather not catch anything - no one wants to skin it, bring it home, much less - EAT IT!!!  Gotta laugh at those guys!  Oh yes, gotta see Caleb's HUGE bruise - they only had adult-sized guns to practice with and so it didn't fit him very well - wish I would have been there - Joe said everytime he shot - it kicked back so hard that his safety goggles fell off - what a trooper!  He loved every minute of it!

Chloe is in Kindermusik again AND loving it - and yes, if you ask her if she's in school- she will very flamboyantly tell you, "Yes, I'm preschool homeschooled!"

So last night we are sitting and eating dinner and something is said were Chloe feels the need to put in her two-cents-worth - and out of that little mouth comes, "Duh."  I looked at her and asked where she learned that - to which she replied, "My boys!"  So I then told her that that's not a very nice thing to say to people and so she says, "I know mommy - that was the nice "Duh" - I didn't say the bad one."  (Guess I'm behind the times - I didn't realize there was a good/bad "Duh".)  I hardly knew what to say - and Joe was trying to hide his laugh so he couldn't answer.  So as we sat there stunned - Chloe says, "See, this is the nice "Duh".  And proceeds to repeat herself, "Duh".  There you go - try using the nice "Duh" today - it makes people feel better!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Five Little Monkeys

One of Chloe's favorite series - besides Charlie and Lola - right now are the Five Little Monkeys books.  So, when I saw THIS - I knew she would LOVE it!!!  And, smart mom that I am  :) - I was right - we got it in the mail this week and played it today!  What a hit - this is a great game that says ages 3 and up - so I was worried it might be TOO easy for her, but no - she just loved it - and, don't tell, but the boys wanted to "help us out" too.  So - it's just another Christmas idea for you all - yes, Joe will tell me I should have saved it for Christmas too, but we needed a diversion today!!!

(Don't forget - if you click from this link - we get a portion donated to our adoption fund.)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Geocaching Again!!

We were HERE.
Looking and looking - hey, no injuries this time!!!

And we found THIS! Exciting!!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Happy Birthday Caleb!!

Has it really been only 12 short years ago that we were given our very special gift??  What a great gift you have been.  We feel blessed to call you our son - and we know that God has BIG plans for your life.  We will never forget the day, at nine months old, when we were told you had a severe heart disease - that we needed to take you to the ER - to prepare for an extended hospital stay and not to leave your side because we wouldn't be taking you home.  But God was bigger than any heart disease and He gave your heart power that the doctors didn't even know it had!  And we are still in amazement some 12 years later when the doctors say they can't believe your heart ever had problems - that it looks stronger than ever - that can only be God!!  We love you, Caleb and pray BIG things for your life!  We're just glad that God chose to give you to us to be your parents - you are a blessing!  Happy Birthday Big Guy!!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Extreme Church Makeover!!

I will never cease to be amazed by Bloggers - I got the sweetest email this morning from a Blogger I don't even know - asking if I was ok!?!?!  I had to chuckle, "No, not really,"  I thought.  Ok, we really are ok, but I had to share what we've been up to.  Our church purchased a day care and took possession last Monday, yes, Labor Day - how fitting.  SO, since Joe and I are Directors of Children's Ministries at our church, we led quite a week of work!!!  How do we feel today???  We both need chiropractor appointments, our hands are blistered and cracking, we still have paint in our hair, we still see paint strokes in our sleep - BUT OTHER THAN THAT - we are praising God!!!  We had SO much great help that we were able to finish the entire Children's Wing for yesterday, our first Sunday of fall Sunday School and Sunday Night Kidz Klub.  I am telling you, God is GOOD!!!  And now, back to regular blogging!!
When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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