Chloe said to the boys, "You Two's are being bad." To which the boys replied, "Chloe, it's 'you two' not 'you two's'." To which Chloe replied, "No, you're all wrong - it's You Tube!!" Scary, isn't it!?!?
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
You Two's
Monday, July 28, 2008
Checkers, Anyone?
Chloe is our resident game-player, but then I'm not surprised - she has watched her brothers play games for years so - it runs in the family. So today she asks Caleb to play Checkers with her - and he not-so-excitedly agrees. They had been playing for awhile when I hear, "Caleb, I need to be a princess now." I am not sure Caleb quite knew what to say and so he asked her again what that meant. To which she replied, "I don't want you to King Me - I want to be a princess instead." There you go - Checkers with a 4 year old princess-wanna be!!!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
How Much More Fun Can 6 People Have??
Joe's work had their summer party today - we spent the day HERE. Yes, even I went - and you all know how much 1) I hate hot weather, 2) how white I am that I even glow in the dark, 3) I HATE wearing a bathing suit, and 4) how burned I get after 15 minutes in the sun!!!! So this was a real motherly sacrifice for me!! The kids LOVED it and ok, I DID like the lazy river!! Chloe had a blast - she rode
everything with Daddy! And Aaron was more brave than all of us and did the Black Hole!! More pictures to come later......too many for just one post!!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Scrapbooking, Anyone?
I have always loved scrapbooking - you know, the old fashioned way, but I recently went to a class on using Photoshop Elements and thought to myself, "This looks fun too!" So I have found some fun things that you might enjoy too!
A great scrapbooking magazine - Digital Scrapbooking - comes in the mail or as a PDF. (Thinking I may have to ask for this one for Christmas!!)
A GREAT book that guides you through using Photoshop Elements to build your pages - an all-around GREAT Elements and digital scrapbooking guide. (Small disclaimer here - if you click on this banner to order - I get a small kickback!)
AND - there are MANY great sites out there that have FREE kits available - you don't have to spend lots of money either. (These digital kit websites can be found on my blog building blog - Lady in Waiting Blog Designs.) I started using them to build blogs, but think I'll try my hand at building some scrapbook pages too! Now Joe informs me I CAN'T go to all digital - I have TOO many supplies to do physical albums to leave them all behind - hmmm, I'll have to keep thinking of how to convince him!!! :)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Her Superhero!
She's famous again! Go HERE to see Chloe and her famous-ness in the blogworld with her favorite TV personality - besides Dora - Yep, that's Dan Wardell!
Her bedtime request tonight?? She wants this picture hanging beside her bed!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Our Latest Favorites
People always ask me what Chloe is loving now - so here's the most recent list!
The 2 books we have read over and over and the Singing Bible gets played every night! They are all too good!!!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Puppet Extravaganza
You know - there are just some things you get to do as Mom - and I didn't want any of my favorite blog readers to feel left out - so I am sharing this one!!
Chloe announced she was having a puppet show in 4 minutes - so we had all better hurry to see it. As the dutiful mom, I called the boys, I quit building blogs, and off we went to watch the performance. It was something, let me tell you, llamas doing flips, I'm not kidding - we had it all!
The only problem was is that it was a "mute" performance - Chloe said they were all sleepy! The boys and I exchanged many hidden laughs, but yes, we humored her. UNTIL Aaron decided to sneak UNDER the puppet table and start stealing the puppets.
From there it just went downhill. Chloe was distraught, the boys were laughing, and I was
trying to decide which side I should take! So I told Chloe - "This has been a great puppet show, now you may have 3 more minutes and then we are done watching for now." She replied with, "Mom, that will never be enough time but OK." I then turned to the boys and said, "You guys need to watch NICELY for 3 more minutes." To which Chloe smiled her 4 year old, VERY INNOCENT, smile and said, "BUSTED!!!"
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Famous Girlie!
Here's what you get when you are the children's librarian's daughter - called up to be in EVERY program!! For some reason - for almost all of our big programs this summer - Chloe has been called up to help. Good thing she's brave - doesn't even phase her - in fact, she seems to thrive on that! Silly girl!
Holding the Grasshopper - NO FEAR!!
Getting a butterfly to sit on her arm from the butterfly lady.
Yes, we start them early over here - it's her future career!!
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Techie Things to Check Out!!
So I've run across some fun stuff while I've been out surfing that I just have to share!
Want to find some new fonts?? (Don't tell Joe, my computer has a whole bulging file of fonts!!) Abstract Fonts
Then, I found out about Windows Live Writer - what a great program - you can set it up with your blog info and then type your posts offline and upload them later. What I really like about it - is that it is SO much friendlier than Blogger - so I build my post in Writer - I can see what it's going to look like - and then send it to Blogger. (And for addicts like me, with a few blogs, I can set them all up and just choose which one I want to post to - HANDY!!!)
One more - a great Google Tool - Google Notebook. I LOVE this - whenever I am out on the internet and find books I want to read, sites I want to go back to, etc. I can just tell it to "Notebook" it and it puts it into Notebooks I've set up. Don't even ask how many notebooks I have going right now - I am a notebook freak!!!
See?? Told you I had goodies!!! TOO much fun out there!!!
Friday, July 04, 2008
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
The Shoes that Never Come Off

~Deuteronomy 24:19