Saturday, September 22, 2007

So Blessed....

We have just been so unexpectedly blessed! We said "Yes" to hosting an international student from our local college - he does not live with us, but we meet with him regularly to spend time together and get to know one another. I think we were hesitant to say "yes" because we are so busy and were not sure we had the time to give to a student but we are just so glad we did. We have been blessed with a student from China (see, we do have a BIG GOD!!!) and he is a treasure to us. He loves our kids - calls them his brothers and sister - and he is such a Godly young man. Everytime we get together it almost leaves us in tears - he challenges us all spiritually and we just love to spend time with him. AND he's teaching us Mandarin when we get together - I am telling you - we are SO thrilled!!! Now we're just worried - do we have to give him up in a year?!?!? What a blessing!


Anonymous said...

Hi Becky!!
How cool is this! You went from "My Three Sons to My Four Sons!!"

He sounds and looks like a really great guy. :) Happy for your family!

Jewels of My Heart said...

What a blessing indeed! Your post gave me chills. How wonderful, sounds like you will have made a deep bond for life. His smile is so radient. I am thankful that he can worship Jesus freely while he studies in the U.S.
Please tell him when he does go home to let our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus know that many of us are praying for them.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Sophie's Mom said...

That is so wonderful! We want to host an exchange student from China, when our remodel is done. So glad it's working out for you!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

That IS a true blessing!

Unknown said...

We also get to do this and have really been lucky to be able to do so. Love the pics... your reunion must have been great!

Mom to the Empress and soon the Emperor

Unknown said...

This sounds like such a wonderful experience. Great pics!

Gracie said...

Those pictuers are soooo precious. I am also a fan of the icon on the left that says "family is forever" and it blinks.....tooo cute!

Roy and Lori said...

What an awesome experience!

Pam said...

Becky, Greg and I have done this with Vanderbilt University. We were matched with a student from China also. We have enjoyed getting to know him and his wife. I think it was 2004 when we were matched. We still try to stay in touch with them. He now lives in Huntsville, AL. His name is the same as Ethan's Chinese name, Qiang.

jennifer said...

How neat! That sounds like such a blessing for your whole family.

Steffie B. said...

That is just awesome Becky! What a great experience for all of you. What does he think about Chloe? Any reactions about the China adoption program?

Linette said...

That is so cool! God just continues to amaze me when I hear stories like this. :)

Unknown said...

We have hosted 7 Chinese students, 1 Brazilian, 2 Russian, 4 Japanese, and 1 Slovakian student! It is a lot of fun and very rewarding. We even stayed with one of our students, Wendy and her family in their apartment in Beijing when we were there to adopt Caroline.



Eileen said...

Wow, that sounds great! I would love to do something like that too one day. I do feel, though, that if I take on one more thing right now my head will explode. :-)

Kim said...

Wow... How amazing..
That is really neat..
Have fun..

dawn said...

How wonderful for all of you. We hope to have an exchange student come and live with is for a year if we ever get our referral.

Tracy said...

Wow, how wonderful! I'll be interested to hear more about him.

m & m said...

That is so awesome!!!! It brought tears to my eyes just reading about the Host Student and seeing the pictures of him with your kids!

Beckyb said...

Stef - we have talked adoption with him - he did ask us why we chose China - he thinks it is great and he tells Chloe constantly - "You are Blessed - never forget - you are blessed." I wondered what he would think but we have just been overwhelmed by his kindness - he thinks it's great with four kids that we would even consider adopting again.

Ashley said...


Praise and Coffee said...

Very cool! We have hosted a couple of exchange students- one for an extended stay. Just loved it, he just called today.


Gwen Oatsvall said...

that is the coolest experience ... you glad you are getting blessed by his presence in your life .. i am sure you are doing the same for him!

A Mom- In-W8ing said...

What a wonderful opportunity for you and your family!!

Smiles! :o)

redmaryjanes said...

How wonderful of you to host this young man! He is just going to love your family. Does he like hockey???

mommy24treasures said...

this is a wonderful post. I love this idea. I have never heard of hosting without a live in. I would love to find an opportunity like that in my area. I need to research.

When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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