Sunday, September 16, 2007

New Book Finds

You know - just when I think I've found all the good books - I run across some more good ones!! (That's good, actually, I would just hate to have them all!!!) I had a flyer run across my desk about a week ago that introduced me to Kevin and Robin Books - a publishing company out of Canada which I posted about on my book blog. I just can not tell you how much I LOVE these books - the illustrations are wonderful, the stories are endearing, and I just can't get enough of them!! My first read was Little Joy - the story of an adopted baby girl and the struggle they have to get her to smile!! I am telling you - I was hooked!! Then I read, Are You Thinking What I'm Thinking, which is a fun dialogue between a mother and daughter - again, another wonderful storyline with FABULOUS pictures!! And if that wasn't enough - I read To Share One Moon, a new book about the Moon Festival. (And you know how we are about the Moon Festival over here!!!) That one isn't out until October - it won't make it in time for THIS Moon Festival - but maybe next year I will use it!!! I just had to share this wonderful company with you - I think they are fabulous and I love the Asian flair!!


Unknown said...

Those great but the last one got my attention!

Mr.Brian said...

You are sure a book queen over there.Guess it's a good thing since you work in a library.

LaLa said...

Wow...thanks for sharing!!! So, share your great Moon Festival ideas with us : )

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. I will defintely check those out!

Anonymous said...

something to add to my ever growing list from you ... i can't keep up..

how are the boys feeling ???

Middle-Aged Moi said...

You know what they can never have enough books!!!

redmaryjanes said...

Those look really good. I need to spend more time at the book store.

Anonymous said...

I to am an adoptive mom to two little girls. I however adopted from here in the USA. With all the red tape and cost of over seas what prompted you to go that route?

Verna said...

I hope you are keeping a list of these. We need to share them with our SWs. Thanks for sharing.

A Mom- In-W8ing said...

These book will be added to my list of "to buy's", which is growing at an alarming rate since reading your blog, lol!! (Keep them coming though, I have a LONG time to buy lots of books, and you can never have too many!)

Hope all is well with the boys.

Smiles! :o)

jennifer said...

Thanks for sharing. I'm going to check it out.

Karen said...

Thanks for sharing! Gotta go check these out. I'm sure our little ones would loves them.

Steffie B. said...

Oooooooo....I am so going to get them! ;)

Truly Blessed said...

Here's another book. It's GORGEOUS!! You'll recognize the poem it is based upon.

Make sure you check out the illustrations on the above page. Breathtaking!

Thanks for the other titles & recommendations.

Beckyb said...

Yes - So funny - I just found that same book on - It is on my "Wish List"!!!!! It is gorgeous!!!

When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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