Yes, we made our 6 month mark today - if you remember with Chloe's adoption - that meant the referral was coming!! With this one??? The bad news is - possibly even another year from now?? The good news?? It's all in God's hands - I think our pastor preached just for me today - we were in Habbukuk (who would've thought??) and the whole sermon was on how we can let our circumstances "make" who we are. In Hab. 2:2 it says, "And the Lord heard me" (see, He does hear us!!!) and then goes on to say in vs. 3 "If it seems slow, wait for it: it will surely come; it will not delay." Wow - what a reminder that it's all in God's timing!!! And here's how we're to be during the wait, ch. 3 vs. 18-19 "Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will take joy in the God of my salvation. God, the Lord, is my strength..." So there you have it - I will work on my attitude and TRY to remember that God is in control - it's all in HIS timing!
I was only there in body today but not in heart.what a great message thanks for letting me know what i missed.
Sounds like it is a good one for all of us to listen to.
Shame on Mr. Brian
Wow, did I ever need to read your post. The wait really is hard, isn't it? Like you said though, there are so many things to work on in our personal lives while we wait this out. I know I have many things to work on. God is good and He will make this happen.....in HIS timing. Let's just pray for each other while we endure this long wait. We have a great reward in the end, for sure!
Happy 6 Months...
I am right behind you..
We are all in this together..
Have a great day.
yes...but do you think we could ask Him to speed it up a little?!?!?!? ;)
Awesome..Thanks and congrats
Thanks for this Becky! I needed to hear that more than you know. Just starting out the process again, and I've already been overwhelmed at times. I keep reminding myself this IS God's plan and it will happen in HIS time (not mine).
So thankful we can support each other during the wait!
I'm trying right along with you, sister!
Right there with ya, sista! I've been getting anxious again. THanks for the Words to help me through!
I am so happy for you all. Grace was reading through your blog with me tonight and asked if we could *get together* with you! : )
W are in Ohio...if you are ever near by...: )
The wait is hard but soon you will have your new gift...
I am drawing a blank on how to do that to the comments thingee...I am on the road now but will either remember and write or when I get home next Saturday, I will look it up and send it to you!
Have a sweet week!!
Great post...and love the sign. I am a Happy Meal fan myself : )
congrats on your 6 months!! Like you, we only waited 6.5 months for our referral the first time and so now the long wait must be so hard but you have a wonderful attitude...hang in there.
Becky, that was a GREAT post! I'm so glad God spoke so clearly to your heart today and in turn you can be an encouragement to others who are waiting...love you girl!
Congrats on 6 months down!
Congrats on 6 months down!
Happy 6!!!! I am so happy it's all in His hands. If it were in mine, I think I'd go nuts! :-)
That is a nice post and always a good thing to remember. Sometimes its so hard to wait on God's time and not my own. Congrats on your 6 months LID.
Happy 6... one month closer!
Oh I love it!!! Great McDonald's sign.
Yes, the wait is hard on all of us. We must learn patience and let go. Thanks for the lovely post.
Perfect sermon. That's exactly how I feel. It's all in God's time. He's never too late!
I found your post to be very encouraging. I am REALLY struggling with the wait right now.
I'm with you on this one! We've waited 9 months already this time. With Abby, we were already home and making it through the adjustment phase. Now, who really knows how long the wait will get?
Abby has been asking about when we will get her little sister from China. I keep telling her we're still waiting.
We can rest in knowing that God's timing is PERFECT!
Thanks for a great post! And thanks for these cute pictures on the previous one. Your little one is so sweet!
Yes it's strange to think that the first time we took this journey, we were almost at the end and now...
I am glad to be in this second journey at the same time than you, it gave me a chance to meet you (in a blogger way!).
Hey Becky, we met at Gwen's when my family "crashed" your reunion. I pray for you waiting families often, the wait is just a killer. I think it helps to know that people are praying for you though. BTW, we are LOVING the bows. They work perfectly in Jadyn's hair and stay in REALLY well. Thanks. I'll be checking in often. Amy Hood
Congrats on 6 months down!
That is so cool!!!!!!!! Congrats. May God be with you!
sister, you preach on ... the thing to remember is the daily blessings we can miss if we are always counting on our tomorrows.... you always encourage me and i just love how transparent your heart is for the Lord....
Yay! Six months. We are just beginning the paperchase for baby #2. It will happen, but my gosh it will be a little while!
Isn't waiting the pits??! In 1999, I waited 7 months for my referral and thought I would go nuts with such a LONG wait! I have adopted 4 times and the wait never gets easier - I just paced myself with little preparations - buying a few things and giving myself "assignments" each month. Good luck!
You are right. God has everything planned out and when the time is right, it will happen.
Congratulations on 6 months down! I too am trying to remember that God is in control of our adoption situation.
Whohoo! 6 months down. I did a post on your favorite restaurant yesterday! :)
Love the sign. Thank you for sharing the message.
God's speed
Happy 6 months! Love the sign.
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