Monday, November 14, 2011


We were getting ready for the Katelyn's Fund Service in Sioux Center yesterday and we all had to wear shirts that said, "Adopted". As Chloe was putting hers on, she said to me, "OH GREAT, now EVERYONE will know I am adopted!" It took me off guard - I forget that to these little ones, sometimes they have no idea that they look differently or that people can easily look and see that they are most definitely adopted. Don't I wish we all saw things that way!!!

Then she went on to tell me, "Mom, I am very lucky - I am adopted TWO times!!" And I looked at my little one in amazement, as I said, "Yes, you have been adopted twice - and how blessed you are!!" Praising God for adoption today and everyday!

Here is the video that was playing as we went up front - almost 300 of us - with our "Adopted" shirts on. Love it that we can all be adopted by our Great God!!!


Lori Lynn said... sweet! I get the impression that my girls think adoption is way more common than it is. They see it as the norm and that makes me smile.

Beckyb said...

I love that too Lori, makes me think we've done a good job surrounding them with other adopted kids!!! It's just normal to them!! LOVE that!

Sherri said...

absolutely beautiful! I love it. Thanks for sharing, I posted it on my facebook wall..I felt it needed to be shared.

Carey said...

I was gone for the weekend, but Brandy and the kids really enjoyed the day! My Svanna was NOT impressed that she had to wear the shirt--until the service and the "unveiling" of other shirts. Then she liked it so much that she and another friend made sure to wear them to school the next day!

Thanks for showing me the video, it's really neat. I, for one, am THRILLED to be adopted into my Father's family.

KariR said...

The pic turned out cute - would love a copy! I will wonder what Lexi will say as she grows up and realizes she is adopted!

When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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