Monday, November 28, 2011

Starfish Project

When I shop for Christmas, I also like to support worthwhile causes when I can! So I was thrilled when I saw this fabulous jewelry line a couple of weekends ago. The Starfish Project is near and dear to me having two daughters born in China. This is a project that helps to support women in Asia that might have been in the sex trade - it teaches them a skill and gets them out of their bad situations. I LOVE that - because it is not an easy life for many women in Asia. I just highly encourage you to look at their beautiful jewelry - and if you'd like to order - just email myself or my consultant, Emily Moret. Here is her Facebook Page.

Don't miss their adorable children's items!! The jewelry is quality - I've seen it in person and LOVE it! Just a few of my favorites!!! SO if you are interested - just email me or Emily and place an order through my show - I am hoping to support a great cause AND Christmas shop too!! (There is no way to order online and it go toward the party so just make sure to email your order!! Thanks!)

joeb382 AT orangecitycomm DOT net or
emily DOT moret AT yahoo DOT com

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Trimming the Girls....

Oops, I mean the tree!!
Here is what we're up to tonight - perfect for an icy, wintry day!!!

Deck the Girls....

Their dad taught them how to "fluff" branches - they are A-1 Branch Fluffers!!

A-1 Tree <span class=

Umm - yep, we even modeled the star!!

Jada Star

Chloe Star

Monday, November 14, 2011


We were getting ready for the Katelyn's Fund Service in Sioux Center yesterday and we all had to wear shirts that said, "Adopted". As Chloe was putting hers on, she said to me, "OH GREAT, now EVERYONE will know I am adopted!" It took me off guard - I forget that to these little ones, sometimes they have no idea that they look differently or that people can easily look and see that they are most definitely adopted. Don't I wish we all saw things that way!!!

Then she went on to tell me, "Mom, I am very lucky - I am adopted TWO times!!" And I looked at my little one in amazement, as I said, "Yes, you have been adopted twice - and how blessed you are!!" Praising God for adoption today and everyday!

Here is the video that was playing as we went up front - almost 300 of us - with our "Adopted" shirts on. Love it that we can all be adopted by our Great God!!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Yep - we went trick-or-treating in our pajamas - and carried pillowcases to collect our candy in - and then smelled candy all night long (as Chloe so aptly put it!!). They did not want me to wash the pillowcases yet - they smelled TOO good!!

And they got brand new jammies out of the deal!!! They loved it - however, Chloe also informed us that curlers in her hair were a bit embarrassing to be out in public with!!
When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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