Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Week of TK

Here is Jada - in her glory - she LOVES school - even gym (and that is where we differ!!!). She can't wait to go everyday - what a blessing! We are again blessed to have a teacher that is wonderful with Jada - God is SO good!

First Week of <span class=

Will post a picture of Chloe and her teacher SOON!! :) (Her teacher was having a bad hair day today so we'll try tomorrow - too much humidity! Did I mention before that her teacher would rather it were winter EVERYDAY!?!?)

Thursday, August 18, 2011


One year ago, we started Occupational Therapy with Jada - both through our school system (AEA) and through a private practice. When she was tested in the private therapy, she wasn't even able to complete many of the tasks for a 3 year old and so began her long year of many therapy visits each week. Today, our therapist said it was time to retest Jada and see where she is now. I had all I could do to sit there and not sob in that office - this little girl, that just two years ago was working on potty training, sleeping through the night, learning to walk and run - is now doing things that every other little 5 year old can do! She passed all of her three year goals, zoomed through the four, and then passed all but 2 of her five year goals - and one she didn't pass just because she was lining the pennies up on the lines meticulously (yes, she has a BIT of her OCD mom in her!!) instead of quickly getting them in the square shape. Yep, this tough mom that hardly ever sheds a tear, had all she could do to keep her composure. I am so proud of this little girl - she is determined that she can AND WILL do what all of the other kids are doing and she won't stop until she gets there!

We will only be seeing our OT once a month now and that may end soon if she continues on this path. I thank God daily - and I do mean daily - for each and every one of the people that work with our Jada. (She has a bunch - you should see her IEP meeting!!) Each of these dear therapists has taken our little one under his/her wing and truly helped her to fight for what is deep, deep inside and needs to come out. They are amazing people - they know their stuff and we feel God provided for us through them.

Jada is our fighter - she may have had us scared when we got her in China - but God had big plans for her AND for us! She is a joy - and she challenges me often - because I think - if Jada can do it - why can't I?? She has truly overcome SO much in her short little life - I can't wait to see what the next years bring!

Sunday, August 07, 2011

That Time of Year

Our first year to be introduced to Band Camp....let's just say, we survived! 6 trips back and forth to the high school each day - that began around 8 am some days and ended at 9 at night. Band camp runs almost 12 hrs. a day - with breaks for lunch and dinner for an entire week. They practice on their songs for marching competition, field work, and then learn their marching patterns - I am quite technical - sorry, Caleb, I'm sure, could fill you in further. Let's just say - from here on out - it's band, band, and more band until the middle of October. :)

Amidst sunburn, near heat stroke (well not quite - but he wanted to try to convince us - and yes, some days were almost 100 degrees), and long hours playing his sax - he did survive. And it's easier now - only 2 hrs. a day!

Band Camp Survivor!
When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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