Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Gotcha Day

A Year Ago Today...
Our lives were changed forever but so were our hearts. God gave us a blessing - as I've been told a few times - a special one - one that God calls some to be blessed with. She is a blessing - over and over. We Love you Jada!! We are glad you are OURS!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sensory Processing DVD

I am always looking for something new having to do with Sensory Processing issues. I was so excited when I saw this new instructional DVD by Dr. Karyn Purvis:

A Sensory World: Making Sense of Sensory Disorders

You can also read more about it on the Empowered to Connect website.

It did not disappoint - as my husband and I sat and watched this and saw our Jada over and over - we were so glad for the wealth of insight and ideas that Purvis brings to this arena. WELL worth your time and money - I will gladly share mine, but guess you'd have to be in my neck-of-the-woods!!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Our 14 Year Old

14 years ago, we were totally blessed by a little man that stole our hearts from day one! He has continued to steal our hearts....
Our Caleb is an amazing young man that is generous, caring and tender. We praise God for him and what he brings to our family! We love you, Caleb - we pray you continue to become the man God has planned for you.


Tuesday, September 07, 2010

First Day of Preschool

It arrived - the first day of preschool - and since this is my first EVER to go to school - it about killed me!! (I'll admit it, the night before I was still wondering if this was the smartest idea in the world!!!) I took her to school and bent down on her level and said, "Jada, Mommy will be back after school is done, ok?" To which she looked at me and said, "Momma Cry?" I said, "Oh no, Momma's not going to cry!" (I was only convincing myself you know!!)

First Day of Preschool
I took her inside the school, showed her her locker, and her teacher. And she spied kids playing on the other side of the room and off she went. She didn't look back - I THINK that's the way we want it, right!?!?!?

Sweet Sisters

Even Chloe didn't want me to take her without her coming with us!! Chloe privately asked me, "Mom, who will talk for her when no one understands??" I didn't admit that I wondered the same thing. Chloe has the uncanny ability to always know what Jada is saying or needing - she is so sweet to Jada.

My Fancy Locker

But I am thrilled she had a good day. I want her to love school and I pray that this year gives her just what she needs - whether it be speech or confidence - whatever it is God knows that she needs.

My Super Sweet Teacher
We are blessed with a wonderful teacher that knows a lot about Jada and is one of her many cheerleaders. God is so good that way - He just continues to bless us with people to love on our little ones.

So when I asked Jada what she did at school she told me, "Draw, Snack, Slide." Sounds like the perfect preschool day to me too!!

Oh, gotta run - the boys just said that it is time for the traditional "after school hugs" and I don't want to miss out on this!!!

Monday, September 06, 2010

The Whole Family at the Park

Yes, sometimes we ALL go to the same place! And that is when it gets a little loud, and a little chaotic, but a WHOLE LOT of fun!!!

Swinging High

Static Hair
Love that "static hair"!!

Even big brothers need pushes.

Middle Guy

Biggest Bro

Lookout Tower
The Lookout Man!
When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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