Just so that you can live in the mind of a 3-yr. old for a few minutes:
When Chloe woke up yesterday morning she told me, "Mom, I need to tell you about my dream - I had curly hair and Caleb was eating noodles." Hmmmmm......
No meal is complete without playing "The Animal Game" - Chloe made this up. Each person has to make an animal sound and the others have to guess which animal they are. Oh yes, just in case you ever join us for a meal, Chloe always offers to go first and it's ALWAYS a horse!!
Chloe prays at night before bed and asks Jesus each time, "And be with my second Grandpa - he might be lonely without me." She talks often, remembering her great grandpa that passed away earlier this year. She calls him her "second Grandpa". She is sure he misses her - even though he's in Heaven!
She told Aaron the other day that God died on the cross. Aaron, of course, told her, "No, Jesus died on the cross." Pretty soon, I have Chloe come to me and she asks, "Mom, are God and Jesus the same?" (I must say I was impressed - her theology is astounding!!) So I told her, that yes, they were. Ok, here's my favorite part, she goes back to Aaron and says, "Aaron, God died on the cross." I think he gave up arguing at this point - but I was smiling in the other room!!
She refers to our boys collectively - to Chloe, they will always be "MY Boys". As in "Mom, let's go see MY Boys." I love it!!
When we put Bella in her kennel and she is crying, ok WHINING, in there, you can often find Chloe sitting beside her kennel singing softly, "Don't cry Bel-la. Chloe's right here." So sweet - and in tune, I must say!!
Sunday Joe and I had to sing on worship team - Chloe had held my hand most of practice and stood right beside me the whole time. When it was time for church, she was sitting with HER boys, and she decided she was coming up front. I saw her step out of the row and head up and I (ever so privately) shook my head "NO" at her while never missing a beat on our song! (NOT!!!) She hung her head and turned around to head back to the row and then started crying. (Thank you to our dear church body that took over at this point!) So I asked her afterwards why she was coming up to the front and she replied, "Well Mom, I always hold your hand when you sing."
At night when Chloe prays she always adds, "And help Mom to play a game with me tomorrow!" Hint, Hint!!! :)
And my most recent favorite: "Mommy, remember when you and Daddy came to China and I found you?" And I will never correct her, she FOUND US alright!!! :)