Wednesday, April 30, 2008

We Have a Teenager!!

I know you are thinking how in the world can those young pups have a teenager??? :) But we do! It doesn't seem possible to us either, but 13 short years ago today God gave us our first wonderful gift! A bouncing baby boy that has been a blessing ever since! Micah was the fussiest baby - some days we weren't sure we should have any more children!!! But he has grown into a young man that is wonderful to his siblings and even better to his parents! We love you dearly Micah, you are a special young man that is growing into a man with a passion for God ~ And the best part is that for as much as we love you as your parents - you have a Heavenly Father that loves you EVEN MORE!! You are truly a blessing and a special gift from God.

(You can double click on the collage to see it larger!)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


It's time for a tidbits post again! I have two bits to share with you:

First of all - Remember Tracy - the Junk Posse lady!?!? She is just a sweet woman with a heart for adoption. She took our family on as her "China Family" a month ago and has said that all of the China jewelry she sells - she will give a portion to our family. What a wonderful gift from her!! Well - I must put another plug in - It is almost Mother's Day and what a wonderful gift this would be for Moms!!! SO - if you haven't visited her - now is a great time to do it AND she's giving a free pair of earrings with each purchase - you can't beat that!!!!
Blog Fairy Ads Lady In Waiting Blod Design

Secondly, my dear friend, Kari is raising money for their upcoming adoption - and she has come up with THE CUTEST dresses - Chloe tried on the "Olivia Dress" the other day, and it was SO sweet!! It will be great for play or for church - I just LOVE it! So go visit her blog, she has some beautiful asian fabrics and other fun fabrics as well. Kari's Kafe

Friday, April 18, 2008

Favorite Photo Friday

See why my kids make me laugh!?! This is the attire Aaron had on while leading Chloe on a scavenger hunt through the house. He wasn't thrilled, but I HAD to get the camera - this was FOR SURE a Kodak moment!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I love being a mom - (I will preface that and say that I am normal and somedays I wonder what I've gotten myself into!!). My favorite parts of being a Mom?? I love hearing my boys say they want to be a librarian!! (Even though I know that's probably not the way they will go!) I love hearing Chloe say she just wants to get married and be a mommy just like me! I love their quick wit and funny words. I love to spend time with them and see their hearts. I love it that they still want to talk to me! I love hearing my boys tell their friends - "Why don't you just come here - we can hang out at my house?!" I love IM'ing my boys! I love hearing Chloe say, "Let's get home and see MY BOYS!" I love knowing that I have the best job in the world!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sad Ending

Kindermusik is done for another semester. We are so sad to see it end! Chloe just loves this program, and I have to say, after seeing all three of our boys go through it, it really is great prep for music lessons. Her teacher, Mrs. Heidi, was hurrying to get finished this semester as she was due any time - and good thing she finished - she had her baby last week!! Now we'll have to wait until fall for our fun classes to start again!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Traveling Lady!!!

Yes, this is me in OHare in Chicago - I am a desperate nut for my wifi - but I will inform you that there is NO FREE WIFI in OHare - what is up with that!?!?!? I am heading home today - I have been at Computers in Libraries 2008 - it's been good, but I am DEFINITELY ready to go home - I miss my hubby and my kiddos!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Three Amazing Years Ago

In the far, far away land of China - three years ago today - we were given a wonderful gift!!! She is such an amazing blessing to all of us - We love you, Chloe!

(If I were home - I'd take a picture of her with her Referral photos, but I'm at another conference - so I'll have to do that when I get back home!)

Saturday, April 05, 2008


We all were in the mood for cookies the other night and so we set to making them. As usual, Chloe wanted to be RIGHT in on the action. She loves to help and runs for her chair to stand and watch and assist. She is in her glory - chef's hat and all!!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Our NEW Favorite

I was sharing this book with Verna today and she said, "You've got to do a post about this book." SO I AM!!!!

Is there a book that your child brings to you to read over and over??? This one is ours right now - Grumpy Bird by Jeremy Tankard - and I have to say - it STILL makes me smile EVERY TIME!!! We can't keep it in at our library either. Oh, and my favorite?? I took it to read at HeadStart and when I was done - ALL of the kids were raising their hands to take it home - it's that good!!!

So when you are having a grumpy day - this IS the book for you!!!

If you click from my blog to purchase it - they do donate a portion to our adoption fund!!! :)

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fool's

Ok - so I admit it - this mom is scared! I know my boys have been plotting for sometime now - they keep asking if it's April Fool's Day yet. So I know to be leary. I woke up with fear this morning - what COULD these boys be plotting?? They came up for breakfast, and told me their first plan wasn't going to work - they had wanted to hide and leave their pajamas laying on their beds - you know, scare me that the rapture happened and I had been left behind!! Think they've been reading too many of these?!? They were afraid it might scare Chloe - such nice boys!! So now I sit and wait - what in the world could they be plotting........

Fast Forward 4 hours......

I come home and here is what I find....

Clothes staged all over the house - in front of the XBox - laying just like he lays to play, going down the stairs - Chloe's sippy cup, blanket AND glasses, by their computers, you got it - all the clothes but NO KIDS!!!!
After searching ALL OVER the house - calling out - NOT ONE WORD OUT OF THEM - (I was quite proud) - I even IM'd Joe to see if he was there - goodness, I was starting to get worried!!! I ended up thinking they had to be in the basement somewhere - I had tried showers, closets, you name it. So I went down in the basement - in our back hall where it is all storage and look what I found - 4 NAKED KIDS!!!! (I love it - our oldest thought I might have my camera so he threw some other clothes on!) They make me laugh!!!!
When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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