Tuesday, June 05, 2007

It's Official!

For those of you that know us well - you know that the whole reason we moved out here was Joe's job about 8 years ago now. Joe's work has been ALL about paint!! He started painting while we were in college, painted while in seminary, and also began working at the store he bought the paint from - but now selling the paint! It wasn't long before that store offered to send Joe for some training and he would begin running their computer systems for the paint stores. THAT is what brought us out here - another paint company wanted a computer guy and Joe was it. SO - about 3 months ago now, a TOTALLY different company contacted Joe about applying for a job - but WAIT, NO PAINT involved in this job - that was almost scary for us!! After a few interviews and much prayer, Joe has decided to take the job. He said it well - it is sad and yet exciting. It is a great promotion for him as he will now be a manager - something he has hoped for for some time, but wow, is it ever hard to leave behind a GREAT job of 8 years - all the people we both have grown to love and a wonderful job only minutes from home. I guess another good thing about this job change is we don't have to move this time!! Joe's drive is longer, but not by that much. Just wanted to share this tidbit with you all - we would love your prayers as this is a real "step of faith" - something Joe has never done before, but something, I AM SURE, he will be good at. (He starts his new job after we get back from our Adoption Group Reunion in July. )


polkadot said...

you asked for it, you got it! praying for you!

we always find the scariest decisions are some of the best.

Mr.Brian said...

I think I can realte to the change.You know I will be praying for all of you during this transaction.
I know Joe will do just great.

Amy said...

I'm happy for Joe, and for all of you. I'm also glad you do not need to move. I guess moves can be good, but they are hard on the kids. I wish him well in this big step away from paint!

kitchu said...

Congrats to your hubby and best of luck with the new job!

Steffie B. said...

Woohooooooo Joe....congrats on the new job! I'm sure he will do a great job.....however a transfer back to MI "might" need to be put into his contract! lol

LaLa said...

How exciting...prayers for all of you ...and glad about no moving this time.

Tracy said...

Congratulations!! Sounds like a wonderful opportunity!

LaLa said...

Oh...I forgot..and speaking of your reunion. I was reading on Nikki's blog and put it all together...can't believe you are all heading to my town in July. I don't want to crash your reunion but maybe I would love to meet you, Stef and Nikki.....just such a small world.

Verna said...

WAY COOL!! God is so good. Not moving is a plus but even though a transfer to MI is in Stef's dreams, I am thinking Mpls area would be wonderful!! Congratulate Joe for us. That is really exciting. One day at a time and soon it will feel like he has been there forever ;)

Nikki said...

Congratulations Joe!!!!!!
That is very exciting news...although it is hard to leave behind what is comfortable, I have every confidence that you will be absolutely great in this new position!!!

Anonymous said...

How exciting. I am happy for your family!

Emmie said...

oo, I'm so happy for all of you! I'm sure it will be great! Keeping you in my prayers...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the promotion!

redmaryjanes said...

I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I think it is great that he found a better opportunity!

Mr.Brian said...

Yeah i forgot to say to I am soooooooooooooo Glad you are not moving away.Mr.Brian would not be happy if you moved away.
And we all know we do not want Mr. Brian unhappy.

dawn said...

Congratulations Joe. Leaps of faith arer wonderful things and every thing will be fine once you get your toes wet.

Carey said...

Wow, I had no idea you guys were in the midst of this decision! So glad God has given you peace about it. Praying God blesses you both and the people Joe works with because of him.

Gwen Oatsvall said...

oh my ... we will pray and know that leaps of faith bring such great growth in the Lord. so excited for you all ...

Kristy said...

Very exciting to see what God will be doing in your husbands life! Who knows who your man will impact...!
Very cool.
I'm not one to be big on change, but then to realize that God has the 'bigger picture' in mind, then it gets exciting!
Okay, I'll stop rambling....;o)

Roy and Lori said...

Congrats Joe on your promotion!
I am sure you will do great!

Pam said...

I know that Joe will do a great job! It is great that you do not have to move.

When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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