Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy 17th!!

Happy Birthday to our oldest!!  17 years old!!
It is so hard to believe that we have had you with us 17 years  -  we are grateful for every minute of it!  You are a blessing - and we are honored that God saw fit to share you with us.  We continue to pray you on as you make big life choices in the upcoming years.  And we are excited to see what the next 17+ years will bring! 
We love you!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Little Walk Downtown

Took a little trip downtown today to catch the last of the tulips - sad to say, they are truly almost done.

These "tulips" were just too cute to not photograph as well!!

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Easter Fun-tivities

 We had to pose for Mom - but we even made that fun!!
I think I had just told them to give each other a kiss and I got that look!

LOVE this one!!

Ready for our annual egg scavenger hunt!

Chloe is reading her first clue...

Jada deciding where we keep toothpaste!

"Where you'd find love letters!!"

Good luck in THAT closet!!

This year the boys made clues for each other - of course, Aaron wanted to test Micah's Bible knowledge!

Really Caleb - the fridge!?!??

Jada found her basket!

Chloe and her long-awaited Webkinz!

We went outside for photos and the girls decorated Micah for the big event!

They do make for a pretty fun Easter!!!

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Seven Years Ago....Don't Blink!

Where does the time go??  Seven VERY SHORT years ago we were blessed to see our Chloe face-to-face for the very first time.  We call it Gotcha Day - no matter the controversy - we like it and it's what we know it as.  :) 

This little one has been a joy from day one - some days I am still sad that, as her mom, I had to miss the first 6 months of her life.  But most days all I see is this fabulous little face that I am SO grateful to get to spend from 6 months on .......

 Love that little attitude - it has carried her far and will continue to.....

It sure does go fast! Even to reminsce through pictures just takes my breath away at how quickly this precious gift has grown. We are so blessed.  SO grateful that seven years ago we were given you....

Sunday, April 01, 2012

No Regrets

Three years ago this weekend we were given a file for a little girl that was born with no irises.  We didn't even know that could happen and we had no idea what that could mean.  We read, made phone calls, studied and realized that it could mean Kidney Cancer, it could mean Mental Retardation, it could mean delays, it could mean blindness, it could mean virtually no problems at all.  Of course that is what we wanted - NO PROBLEMS AT ALL, who wouldn't!?!?!  And after agonizing over what to do - we both said, "Can we say No?" and our answer was "No, we can not say no."  And so we moved forward asking God to keep opening doors if that is what He wanted for us.  He didn't shut one - and we have been blown away by

His goodness....

And His wisdom.....

And His Plan.

When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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