Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Fun!

Pictures from our fun day.....
Our annual family Christmas photo!  (yep, even Bella got in)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas to All!!

Just in case I don't get a chance to post on Christmas - this is our early Christmas Greeting to you all!!  We hope you have a Blessed Christmas with family and friends.  We are SO thankful for Our Savior that was sent to us so many years ago - it's hard to "top" that gift, isn't it!?!?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cut Out Cookie Time

I know, I know - this is REALLY pushing it in the Bilby house as we already did Gingerbread cut-outs this year, but Dad is persistent and WANTED cut-out cookies so he and Chloe made a day of it!

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Snowy Day

So before we went to bed we were seeing 3-6 inches in the forecast -
We got up to close to a foot of the fluffy white stuff.
The problems began when it took OVER AN HOUR to clean out JUST the driveway since our snowblower quit working.  Mr. Bilby was not happy - to say the least.
SO I mentioned to Mr. Brian that our blower wasn't working and guess what he does - shows up with his snowblower!!!  What a guy!!  Thank you Mr. Brian!  (Mr. Bilby is happy now.)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Famous Day

On This Day:
In 1770 - Beethoven was born.
In 1773 - This was the day of the Boston Tea Party.
In 1775 - Jane Austen was born (I LOVE this one!!)
In 1901 - Margaret Mead, the American anthropologist who authored 44 books and over 1000 articles, was born.
In 1944 - The Battle of the Bulge during World War II began as German forces launched a surprise counterattack against Allied forces in Belgium.
In 1950 - President Truman proclaimed a national state of emergency in order to fight "Communist imperialism."
AND in 1970 - I was born!!!!  (Sorry, I really set you up for that one, didn't I?!?!)

Have to brag on my boys - now you must know they are almost 11, 12, and 13 - hitting those ages when some things just aren't so cool AND YET, after Joe left for work, they quietly made scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, put them all on a tray, and crept into my room to surprise me!  My first Breakfast-in-Bed!!  (They did apologize for no coffee!!  :)  That made me chuckle!)
Chloe sat on my lap as I ate my breakfast - sharing nibbles of scrambled eggs with me and then told me, "You should wear a dress today- birthdays are for dresses,"  she said.  So as I lounged with my young'uns, I was late for work, but no one cared!!!
Why can't everyday be a birthday!?!??!

Oh yes - AND it's snowing!!!  I'm thinking that's a fun gift too!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Chloe Van Gogh

We have an ARTIST!!!  NO ONE helped her - I assure you, NONE of us could draw a tree like this.  SO, without further ado - Chloe's Tree!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Perfect One

Our Youth Pastor and his wife had their adorable baby girl today! So, of course, we had to go visit. Which prompted a conversation with Chloe:
"Mom, do you have any more babies in your tummy?"
"No, Chloe, all my babies are out."
"Was I in your tummy?"
"No, you were born in China, remember?"
"Oh yes, don't tell me - I remember. You had to fly a LONG WAY to China to find the PERFECT BABY GIRL - that was me!!!"
When you are harvesting your crops and forget to bring in a bundle of grain from your field, don't go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigners, orphans and widows. Then the LORD your God will bless you in all you do.
~Deuteronomy 24:19

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