Gotcha Day from Becky Bilby on Vimeo.

When Gotcha Day rolls around - I always get a bit nostalgic. But I think Moms are allowed to do that. Every adoption is miraculous - every birth is miraculous - but some hold such a spot in your memory whether from fear, excitement, etc. that reflection is bittersweet. Today is one of those days for me - when I think back on the day we got Jada, fear was abundant and almost overshadowed the excitement, to be honest.
So when we have days now that we see such huge progress - we want to jump up and down, praise God, and want to take her back to China and show her orphanage workers with pride. There are still tough days - plenty of them - when I have learned that God WILL give you more than you can handle. But I'm also learning that when He gives me more than you can handle, He's causing us to focus on Him and that is all good too. We are grateful for the gift of Jada and the gift in her name too - "God Knows!"
Happy Gotcha Day, Jada!!!